My Sembreak Experience 2014

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                                 Ahh sembreak, a most awaited day for students to have fun and go wild.These are days you wished were special so you could find a way to enjoy them. A day were families spent time together to make it memorable.But mine is different.

Well my sembreak is a total boredom. I help my parents in household works and our little business. In day, I watch over our store and in night I watch over our mini Internet Cafe. In short I work non stop day and night. I know its really tiring.The fun I only had is playing phone and internet games. yup i waste my 2 weeks break in this things. I was expecting that my sembreak will be a memorable one. fun, wild and adventurous.but it turn outs to be the opposite.

But Im glad that i help my parents in their works. I considered it as a payment for their love and care to they say without hardwork nothing grows but weeds.So how’s your sembreak? is it fun and wild? or boring but satisfying like mine?

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