My New Year Resolution For This Year

New_Years_Resolutions_for_Students  New Year Wallpaper.                                   Every  New year, Making a resolution is a must thing to do for people.Making this kind of thing is a hope of getting rid of bad habits and making positive changes to our life.But some people makes one but doesn’t apply it. Because we simply lose the motivation we had at the start of the year. And I’m one of them. But this year, It will be different.

First of all , It’s a common one. I’lle become healthier. well why? because it is the way to complete my other resolutions.The other one is to make my grades better.making my grades better is a difficult thing to me because I hate studying. I don’t know why. The other is also to stop my addiction to computer and cellphone games. Well it’s a common one also. Also the other is to make myself organized. Im a messy and lazy person. I also want to learn something new like playing a guitar. I also do my best to stand by people who need support.Nothing feels better than seeing a smile on someone. And Lastly , Live my life to the Fullest.

Well that’s my Resolution. It’s a simple resolution but its a huge work for me. Well like they said , you wont succeed if you wont try.

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